The landfill data available through Envirocheck® exemplifies the concise, comprehensive and accurate nature of our reports so that you can rest assured that when you choose Envirocheck®, you choose the most extensive landfill datasets available.
Envirocheck® Historical Maps – Landfill datasets
Envirocheck® offers comprehensive active and historical landfill data prior to and following, the introduction of the Control of Pollution Act (COPA) 1974
Envirocheck® landfill data includes:
- Local Authority Recorded Landfill Sites - Sites which accepted waste prior to the Control of Pollution Act (COPA) 1974. These sites would not have been subject to any strict regulation or monitoring.
- Registered Landfill Sites, Registered Waste Transfer Sites & Registered Waste Treatment or Disposal Sites - Licensed sites for the disposal, transfer and treatment of waste following the introduction of COPA in 1974 and Section 36 of the Environmental Protection Act (EPA) in 1990.
- Licensed Waste Management Facilities - All active and historic landfill and waste sites licenced by the Environment Agency Under Section 64 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 (Part II) and prescribed by Regulation 10 of SI No.1056 the Waste Management Licensing Regulations (WMLR) 1994.
- BGS Registered Landfill Sites –Over 3000 sites accepting waste prior to the Control of Pollution Act (COPA) 1974.
- Historical Landfill Sites –Comprehensive national dataset of all historical landfill sites known to the Environment Agency in England and Wales.
In addition to the above, we offer supporting datasets of historic OS mapping that can be used to identify sites of potentially in-filled land, including Potentially Contaminative Industrial Uses (Past Land Use) , Potentially Infilled Land (Non-Water) and Potentially Infilled Land (Water)
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